Hail Damage Roof Repair: How to Find and Fix Damage from Hail Storms

Hail Damage Roof Repair: How to Find and Fix Damage from Hail Storms

Did you know that there are more hail storms in the United States every year than tornadoes? Between 2008 and 2014, insurance companies paid out over $5.3 billion as a result of hail damage roof repair and other damages.

Here in Massachusetts, we’re not immune to hail damage. Hail is essentially chunks of ice that form during certain types of storms. Hailstorms are very common in the spring and summertime alongside windstorms and thunderstorms.

And what do you think gets the most damage from a hailstorm? Yes: your roof.

In this post, we’re going to go over how to find damage and take care of hail damage roof repair.

Why You Need Hail Damage Roof Repair

We think it should go without saying that damage to your roof of any kind should be repaired ASAP. Damage to your roof leads to a number of issues throughout the home inside and out. 

From leaks to mold growth to damage to your lawn and gutters, fixing hail damage as soon as possible is going to be key to avoiding these types of issues down the line. 

Hail damage at first may not look too bad, but the damage it causes will worsen over time and lead to those roof leaks and larger issues we mentioned.

Let’s look at a few examples of what could happen.

Dents and Damage to Flashing & Gutters

The first thing to look out for is dents in your roof’s flashing. Flashing is what protects the most vulnerable and sensitive parts of your roof. 

When there are dents or damage caused by hail, this can lead to leaks, exposure to the underside of your roof, and more that can lead to serious issues.

Your gutters are something else to keep an eye on. Oftentimes, hail can hit your shingles or your roofing material and cause the protective layer of granules, minerals, and other roofing materials to gather and accumulate in the gutters.

The reason this is an issue is that it can mean that your roofing material has worn away because of the impact of the hail. This leaves your roof vulnerable to other damages, leaks, and more.

Pockmarks in Your Shingles

Perhaps the most obvious sign of hail damage is pockmarks and small circular dents on your singles or other parts of your roof. This is caused by the direct impact of the hail onto the surface of your roof, which is bound to happen a lot during a hail storm.

While these tiny dents might not seem like a big deal, it’s crucial that you take care of this hail damage roof repair as soon as possible.

Why? These small dents can grow over time leading to leaks and other damages. They can also worsen any existing damage that you might have on your roof like loose shingles, granule erosion, cracks, and more.

Hail Damage Roof Repair: Better Safe Than Sorry!

While this type of damage might not seem like a big deal in the moment, especially if the hailstones are small or the damage seems minimal. 

However, hail damage roof repair is going to be essential for minimizing damage and reducing your risk of expensive and intense issues in the future. 

We have years of experience working with wind and weather damage in the Massachusetts area. 

If you believe you have hail damage on your roof and need repair, contact us. We can evaluate the damage and outline the best plan for you whether that’s repair, roof replacement, or simply monitoring the situation.