4 Common Commercial Roof Types to Consider for Your Property

4 Common Commercial Roof Types to Consider for Your Property

When you think of a roof over your head, we bet you think about your residential roofing situation. But, an often-overlooked type of roofing is commercial roofing.

Commercial roofing often comes in two different general varieties: flat roofing or low slope roofing. There are a few other types, but those two are by far the most popular for commercial properties.

Where things get interesting, though, is the materials used for different commercial roof types. Each specific type of commercial roof has advantages and disadvantages for you to consider. 

Let’s break down four of the most common commercial roof types & materials.

Built-Up Roofing 

Built-Up Roofing, often abbreviated as BUR, has been used for over 100 years in the US. 

Essentially, this type of roof system creates a number of layers, called plies, usually alternating between asphalt and gravel. Hence, these types of roofs are also called “tar and gravel” roofs. 

These “build up” the roof layer by later until the final layer is placed, usually made out of gravel or stone.

With maintenance and regular roof repair, this type of commercial roof can last up to 40 years or more. 

In fact, these types of roofs are usually pretty low maintenance, which means you have a pretty durable option with BUR. BUR roofs are also UV resistant and usually waterproof.

However, it can be more expensive than other types of roofs to install. Some find that these roofs are a bit more susceptible to wind damage as well, so that’s something to consider if you’re in a high-wind area.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing, like the BUR option, has been used for decades. 

Common materials used for metal roofing include corrugated galvanized steel and aluminum. There may be others, but those are the two most popular options.

Metal roofing is lightweight and easy to install. Many commercial properties opt to simply place the metal roof on top of an existing roof. This can reduce replacement costs and provide immediate relief if there are issues with your old roof.

Metal roofs are also notoriously durable, especially when they have coatings to make them UV, rust, and water-resistant.

Metal materials are also more resistant to fire damage, can be made from recycled materials, and come in a variety of designs to suit any business type.

Single-Ply Membrane Roofing

Single-Ply Membranes are essentially rubber and/or synthetic sheets adhered together. They’re then adhered together with specialty chemicals and installed to create insulation and protect the roof.

This is one of the most popular roofing options available for commercial buildings and is used for everything from industrial sites to standard commercial buildings.

These roofs have a few other advantages, including:

  • Fire resistance
  • Reflective
  • Great insulation
  • Easy installation
  • Affordable option

There are a few disadvantages, though. Holes and punctures can appear somewhat easily and the seams can be vulnerable to leaks if you don’t keep up with maintenance.

Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing

Last on our list, we have Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) roofing. 

This eco-friendly roofing option is often used for manufacturing and industrial facilities & commercial properties. The foam is sprayed as a liquid that then expands to become a foam. The foam will then harden to form a solid layer that goes right on top of the already existing roof, somewhat similar to metal roofing.

The benefits of SPF roofing is the great durability and resistance to cracks. It’s also one of the most environmentally friendly roofing options and it’s energy-efficient as well.

It’s also seamless and waterproof, which reduces your risk of leaks, water damage, and cracks.

Disadvantages of this relate to its advantages: it’s one of the best options, but it also takes a great amount of technical skill to properly install it. If it’s not installed properly, the lifespan of the roof is significantly reduced. 

Make sure you call an expert to do your roofing installation.

Best Commercial Roof Types for Your Property

Obviously, there’s more to consider than the factors in this article. Farina Roofing is the commercial roofing expert that can help you choose the best commercial roof type for you and your property.

Contact us to speak with an expert about the best option for you.